Privacy Policy

On this page you, you can find the HPen Academy website’s Privacy Policy in its full and up-to-date form. Also, here you can learn everything related not only to our privacy policy but also to our policies on personal information. In addition, this is the place where you can read about our cookies policy and the procedures on which we rely in the event of a data breach. Finally, this is the page on which you can inform yourself about what private data we collect, why we collect it and how we store and use it.

We are a company that has a registration and is operating in the EU. As a result, we comply with the European Union’s GDPR policies. In other words, we strive to secure the data of all users who visit our website. So, we do not allow third parties to access, share or view the personal data of the site’s visitors.

Keep in mind that by accessing and using this website, you automatically agree to our Privacy Policy terms. Therefore, we urge you to familiarize yourself with the contents of our privacy agreement in full. In case, you are struggling to understand our terms or you do not agree with them, please stop using the site.

Before we lay out our Privacy Policy terms, we wish to inform you that we also reserve our right to change and update them. So, before using our website, always check this agreement to see if you agree with it.

Personal Information — What Data We Collect and How Do We Use It

In an attempt to provide our clients with a better and more customized experience, we collect certain personal data through our HPen Academy website. Still, this should not alarm you or to be a cause of concern for you. We guarantee that we do not use any of the collected data in an illegal or unethical manner.

In essence, we only collect personal information for very specific reasons. Those are always non-malicious and they help us achieve the following things:

  • Better client communication
  • Greater customer protection against fraud and/or identity theft
  • Improved quality of the services we offer
  • Better understanding of our clients’ wishes and needs
  • Sending of personalized newsletters, deals and offers
  • Making our site better


HPen Academy has a shop section. As a result, our website uses cookies. Those are small packages of data files. Usually, they are kept on the browser of the device that a user uses to access our site.

For the most part, cookies store data related to login and account information. Also, they provide user statistics. It is thanks to those cookie files that our site can recognize you and your user profile everything you access on our site. Namely that enables us to offer our users and clients a better experience when shopping or doing a course on our website.

What you need to know about cookies is that today nearly every website uses them. Also, they do not store personal user data and they will not have a negative effect on the performance of your device. Finally, we should also mention that cookie files cannot be exploited by hackers for malware attacks.

Types of Cookies We Collect

As a website that delivers online courses and access to an online shop to its visitors, we collect different types of cookie files. Those include session and persistent cookies, as well as first-party and third-party ones.

As a rule, persistent cookies are kept on your device. Also, they are deleted from time to time automatically. In comparison, session cookie files are kept on your web browser and are deleted as soon as you close your browser program.

When it comes to first-party cookies, those are collected by the site you are browsing. In contrast, third-party cookie files are collected by other websites. The reason behind that practice is the delivery of customized and targeted ads and the tracking of cross-site behaviors.

For our online shop, we rely on a checkout service by a third party. So, this service issues third-party cookies whenever one of our visitors proceeds to our checkout section. Those file packages then process the banking or card data that a client provides upon checkout.

Still, this information does not allow us, the providers of the checkout service or any other third party to track or see your identity. As a result, all payments done on our website are safe and secure. Also, the service itself will protect your banking and card information and keep it private.

Cookies by Google Analytics

In an attempt to give our clients a better shopping and browsing experience on our site, we use the Google Analytics service. It allows us to gather information about our visitors’ online behavior and shopping preferences. Still, the service does not collect private data. Instead, it gathers the following types of information:

  • A user’s search queries on the website
  • Button clicks on the site
  • Page visits on our platform
  • Items that the clients brought from the website
  • Products that visitors add to their carts

Third parties cannot access or view the above information. Only we and the company behind Google Analytics (Google) can view it.

Also, this service of Google does not collect personal data such as your name or email address. Still, it can see your location but it will not reveal it to anyone including us. Instead, the company will hide most of the digits in your IP address to ensure your safety and anonymity.

Embedded Content Cookies

Sometimes, we embed content from our sites on our own website. For example, that content can come from social media platforms such as YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. Please know that those third-party sites have their own cookies policies. Therefore, they too may collect cookie files.

We cannot control the type of cookies embedded content (like images, videos, text, etc.) can collect and store. Still, to provide our visitors with the upmost safety and data privacy, we embed media content only from trusted websites that have a high authority.

Information We May Collect via Contact Us Forms or Emails

All users of our website have the opportunity to contact us by email or a fill-out form available on our Contact Us page. If you choose to use any of those two options, you may need to send us details about your address and contact information. By doing so, you will enjoy a better communication with us.

Also, by knowing your contact and address information, we can provide you with a better service quality. For instance, our team will be able to easily estimate the value of your order and its delivery time.

Finally, we will not share the information collected via our contact us form or email with third parties. We will only use it to provide you with better services and communication.

Personal Data Protection

We are a licensed company that works in compliance with the law. Therefore, we do not share the information we collect with third parties without notifying our customers in advance.

As a company based in the European Union, we also follow the GDPR rules. So, we always focus on embedding content from websites that also work in accordance with that EU regulation. Whenever we embed content from non-EU sites, we check in advance if they respect the privacy of users.

In an attempt to provide our visitors with the highest possible security and data protection, we take several key measures. Some of those include:

  • Updating our Privacy Policy terms regularly to ensure they meet the newest data privacy standards.
  • Masking part of the IP address of our users to keep their exact geo-location private.
  • Checking for malware and hacking threats 24/7
  • Storing private information we collect on top-security servers
  • Using encryption to ensure that our client’s accounts are secure
  • Frequently conducting data backups to reduce data loss accidents

As you can see, we take multiple measures to ensure that your data stays safe. Still, remember that whenever you are using the internet to share or access any type of information, there is always a risk of information leaks. So, make sure you choose a secure password for your account on this website.

Private Data Storage

Relevant personal data that we collect from the users of our site is store for five years. Our system deletes the personal information of all customers who have not accessed their account on the website for over five years.

Please, keep in mind that your data will also be stored even if you have not registered on the site. As a result, relevant information of people who browse HPen Academy as guest will also be stored for five years.

In contrast, we will not keep user irrelevant user data. Those terms are valid when it comes to the information of both guest users and customers of the website.

Users’ Right to Be Forgotten

The GDPR of the European Union stipulates that all internet users have the Right to Erasure. Also known as the “Right to Be Forgotten,” it allows web users to request companies to delete any information they have collected through their website(s).

The Right of Erasure is not limited only to users based in the EU. It also protects the private data of non-EU internet users.

If you wish to exercise your right to be forgotten from our website, we will delete all personal information on you that we have in our system.

Also, web users can file complaints to EU’s Commission for Personal Data Protection. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this option if you feel that your information has been used for illegal purposes. Plus, you can contact the Commission if you suspect that some company is wrongly handling your data. You can file your complaint at the following website:

Updating Our Privacy Policy

We reserve our right to update and change our Privacy Policy terms at any point and without a notice. Still, all changes we make will comply the GDPR and the laws related to the protection of personal data in the EU.

Procedures in Case of a Data Breach

If our website or systems suffer a data breach, we shall contact all users and customers who have been affected by the event. That will be done in a swift manner so that users/customers are informed about breach.

Keep in mind that in such cases we may ask you to change or update your password. Also, we can require you to use a different email to access your account. By doing so, we will try to minimize and limit such events in the future.

Contact Information

Is there something else you wish to know about our Privacy Policy? Do you want to take advantage of your Right to Erasure? Whatever questions or requests you may have for us, do not hesitate to contact us. Reach us via phone or email and we will offer you our assistance.